Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This Blog

Well.  Now the League of Adolescent Word Sayers has a blog.  (If you want to learn about wordsayers, go to http://sites.google.com/site/wordsayers/ and stuffs.)  And that pretty much gives us total freedom over our creativity;  we have YouTube for videos, two websites (our original, on FreeWebs and our new one, on Google) and now a blog.  We now can put any of our creations online, for all to see. 

Of coarse, now that we have that freedom, I feel a creative block, and I don't know what to make, probably because I'm trying too hard to think of something.  Damn.  I really want to make something.

The internet is a fun place! Oh boy!
Let's explore!
Let's make something!

Let's blow some shit up!
Actually... I think that that might be a good idea.  We have to get to that sometime... piss.  It's winter; blowing some shit up isn't as fun in winter.  So coming this spring, we'll have to make some biggogo poofs.

How about some philosophy!
Fuck that.  Every time somebody on the internet runs out of ideas, they start THINKING.  OK, there are some people that make some really amazing philosophical blogs/videos/et ceteras (Ze Frank, of zefrank.com, for example) but tons of people just want to post something great, don't have any ideas, and so they start doing a stream of consciousness, trying to find meaning in stuff.  Honestly, unless people come up with creative insights when doing that, they really shouldn't post something just because they want to post something.

I, on the other hand, want to post something, have no ideas, and so I am..... shit.

OK, so moving on from that, I have no ideas.  So, that's the end of this here blog post.  Bam.


P.S. This email feature of blogger is really cool... I wrote this whole thing from Mozilla Thunderbird, which is much quicker than having to sign into blogger...