Monday, February 16, 2009

Hippy Speech

The hippies were right. Love pwns. Simply. And it ought to be shared. But for whatever reason everyone seems to arrive at this ridiculous notion that love is an exclusive thing. Which causes ( I just remembered a terrible, but hilarious hippy joke told by Joanna Newsom...How many hippies does it take to screw in a light bulb? Hippies don't screw in light bulbs, they screw in dirty sleeping bags. *laugh track*) a lot of confusion when people begin either feeling love for multiple people, or someone is loved by multiple people.

This is a bunch of bull. There isn't a reason in the world love should be exclusive. Maybe sex and things like that should be fairly exclusive... not just because of disease but because of chemical BS that confuses folks... but that really hasn't anything to do with love. I dunno, maybe I'm just a li'l bit different in my feelings than everyone else... but i think that connection between love and sex is a big part of the problem, and at very least it's origin. The place I have always assumed it came entirely from was the media.

(same idea, except less intentional as how the major diamond companies paid off Hollywood to start acting like diamonds were a symbol of love, so they could make more money. that's the only reason they are so common for engagement rings now.) media put up these attempts to show love...and really how the hell can you show that on video... you can't, it's a bit too deep and complicated to be caught, so they combined it with physical BS. All the sex, and things like that sort of became a convention of modern media to mean love... which eventually evolved from a convention to a misconception in the minds of the people. ( i didn't intend this to be a discussion of mass media (oh marshall macluhan))

Or, there is the idea that we are stuck in the habits of dark ages in which love couldn't be shared because you had to survive, and it is a bit wearing on your economic situation to love multiple folks. So people kept their love exclusive so they wouldn't die. Since we aren't in such harsh, economic everyone is dying times, that needn't live on, that exclusive love is just a force of habit, still existing because people don't like change.

but back affirming my philosophy on love. it can be shared and recieved by any number of people. that a network of love just brings more people closer together so that we can realize that we are basically all, the same, thinking, feeling creatures that need from life, the same basic things. and after realizing that, try and help everyone attain those same basic needs, so we can all be happy. I really, really think that i cannot get away with saying "peace out" after this extraordinarily hippyish speech, can i? damn

-your humblest, taster of teas


May I simply say, that I love the wisdom wikipedia bestows, such as this article on dueling may I emphasize one passage on unusual duels

"In 1808, two Frenchmen are said to have fought in balloons over Paris, each attempting to shoot and puncture the other's balloon; one duelist is said to have been shot down and killed with his second.[2]
Thirty-five years later (1843), two men are said to have fought a duel by means of throwing billiard balls at each other.[2]
Some participants in a duel, given the choice of weapons, are said to have deliberately chosen ridiculous weapons such as howitzers, sledgehammers, or forkfuls of pig dung, in order to show their disdain for duelling.[2] After being challenged to a duel, Abraham Lincoln was said to have picked cow dung at ten paces, which prompted his challenger to cancel it.[citation needed]
It is said (though not confirmed) that Otto von Bismarck challenged Rudolf Virchow to a duel. Virchow, as the challenged party had the choice of weapons; he chose two sausages, one of which had been inoculated with cholera. Bismarck is said to have called off the duel at once"

were i challenged to a duel i have decided that i would choose either a 2x4 at 1 pace, or poison ivy, at zero paces. it would be funny swinging the boards around at eachother from such a distance, with little control. with poison ivy i would just put a cloth over my mouth and burn under the other persons nose...the smoke there from would then cause their lungs to die. yay


-taster of tea

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Things to Say

In order from easiest to hardest to say:

1. I hate you.
2. Fuck you.
3. I'm sorry
4. Hey, that was pretty...
5. Yea, I'm fine.
6. Are you alright?
7. I miss you.
8. Let's go on an adventure together...
9. I'm sorry.
10. I love you.

The less we mean something, the easier it is to say. The more we have to say something, the harder it is to get the words out.