Thursday, April 23, 2009

creatures of trust

I took an odd fixation recently on the fact that people walk on two legs… not that they do that in itself, but rather what they also do in walking like that. Man is really the first creature to walk about with an open and exposed belly. With no bone to protect our soft innards. This I found very odd, especially considering that man is the dominant species. I would think that any creature foolish enough to open themselves to attack would quickly be wiped out by natural selection. Then I realized what this truly was though. We weren’t revealing ourselves in attempt to gain some advantage, but hoping for trust, to show that we trusted others in hope that others would do the same. And they did. Our exposed bellies are what allowed bonds of trust and compassion to form. Our exposed bellies are what allowed society to form, allowing for teamwork and therefore our triumph over other natures. Now it interests me greatly that now man is such a dishonest, untrusting, manipulative, and exploitive race, considering that what let it rise were the exact opposite. It was our human bonds of love, compassion and trust, that have allowed us to rise and we now revoke them? We should re-embrace these wonderful things, not just for the sake of growth, that would fall back into manipulation, but simply because they make us better people, and because they are more fun.

Also, along the lines of this rantly thing, was my recent realization of why we show affection certain ways. Among these are along people in near our bellies and heads. Lots of affectionate actions revolve around the head and belly. These are all our weak points. A neck is easy to break, and eyes easy to tear out, and necks easy to bite or cut. Same with bellies, they contain a bunch of easily torn apart vitals behind no wall of bone whatsoever. And how do we show affection? Commonly people will kiss, all over, necks included, either this is to show trust or to get that slight exhilaration of danger that comes with being so unprotected, or both. Also, kissing involves the most dangerous natural weapon of both individuals, the mouth. Heads are pretty often nuzzled as a sign of affection too, which leaves us open for attack. Cuddling, hugging, or any of those close contact belly related things leave us wide open, and we do this to show trust. Couples will do the whole staring into each other’s eyes sort of thing which gives the same opportunity to hurt the other as with kissing. Well you get my point. I am not insinuating that these are done consciously, but I suspect they are part of the subconscious reason for all that stuff. Meh. Bored writing stuff now.

But in short summary, these thoughts have renewed my faith in humanity, that people are creature of trust, compassion, and love -That those things are what we are in our basic nature.

-your humble, taster of tea

on progression from oaks to kentucky bluegrass

It seems the most dominant plant life reflects what place we give the heavens. In a world that is very old, but people are young, trees cover everything holding the heavens in high regard and faith is the ultimate authority on everything. But slowly the trees lose their dominance. Then farm crops rise, and faith is an important thing that is not quite the people's entire way of life to those people who live simpler and less dangerous lives than those who wandered the natural world. Then suburbs and cities were had with either no plant life or nothing but grass shaved close to the earth. Then our faith is only a toy to be kept down constantly or just entirely absent. Our feeble grass can not support the mighty heavens we once had and our way of life is the reason for this.

-your humble, taster of tea