Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chelsea, Come Home!!!!!

We miss you up here! Please come back! *whine, whine, is sad, sad*

Nick, Jake, et Sam

Sunday, December 21, 2008


The future is a bright place. My existence is kind of pwning. Recent events have given my mind inspiration, and my mind has created. Plans. Things existing only in my mind, but with intentions of bringing them to the world. My mind has made them, now I need to make tangible versions. Many things. These things would have seemed impossible before, but now nothing is in my way.

Mostly artistic plans. Recently I started learning a lot more about video editing, which takes away the obstacle of a lack of media to work with. Then I got ideas for a few videos, which we only have to make now (coming soon from wordsayers...) and then I started getting more ideas. And the future is a pretty cool place, as it keeps getting closer to the present I can see it clearer, and the more I see, the more I get excited about stuffs. Personal things, creative things, everything in my life is starting to pwn.

Just a general message to the world... life pwns, you just need to give it time to get there. My life is almost at the absolute pwning point, which makes the present a pretty fun place to be... getting excited about stuff is fun :) hello world, y'all deserve a hug :)

less than three,

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Kinkometer Project

A few weeks ago, we came up with the idea of a way of measuring kink levels of various things.  This led Jake to make the Kinkometer, a two-dimensional plane for that purpose.  Because it would not be enough to simply measure the kink factor, a second dimension was added to show how much things are actually liked;  just because something is a turn on or a turn off, doesn't mean that it is necessarily a good or a bad thing.  The X axis represents how much something turns you on, and the Y axis represents how much you like it (in a mental/emotional, non-physical way- I feel like I have to clarify that).  A value of zero represents neutrality;  for example, on my kinkometer, I'd give "clean air" an X value of zero, because it doesn't turn me on or off, but it would have a positive Y value because, surprising as it may be, I do, in fact, like to breath on occasion. (negative numbers are turn offs/dislikes)

So, we decided to make this a survey project.  We made a list of things that we want you to place on your kinkometer.  With the data we get from this, we will try to make the kinkometer of the average person.  Don't be afraid to be honest;  a lot of the things on the list are kind of awkward to think about this way, but we will keep this entirely anonymous;  we'll only use the data we get from you, no other information.  (Well, unless we know you, then we might tease you a bit =P.  But we won't share who put what where on their kinkometer with anybody.) To get to the kinkometer page, go here:  http://sites.google.com/site/wordsayers/kinkometer. Also, if there's anything that isn't on the list that you think should be, just email us, and give us your coordinates for it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Heya Folks

Hey, 'tis me, your Taster of Tea.
As you are coming to know, I am the one amongst us wordsayers who tends to only post writing...and stories, and that sorts. At least for the most part. Anywho, so I am releasing the first chapter of my recent dream inspired story, God's Pity. Here is the link for anyone whom is interested http://jacobgrichard.blogspot.com/2008/12/gods-pity-chapter-1.html

P.S. This is me wishing I knew a li'l more about the coding crap...if I did, I would have made that link say something spiffy like, boomskatboomskehah.