Sunday, December 21, 2008


The future is a bright place. My existence is kind of pwning. Recent events have given my mind inspiration, and my mind has created. Plans. Things existing only in my mind, but with intentions of bringing them to the world. My mind has made them, now I need to make tangible versions. Many things. These things would have seemed impossible before, but now nothing is in my way.

Mostly artistic plans. Recently I started learning a lot more about video editing, which takes away the obstacle of a lack of media to work with. Then I got ideas for a few videos, which we only have to make now (coming soon from wordsayers...) and then I started getting more ideas. And the future is a pretty cool place, as it keeps getting closer to the present I can see it clearer, and the more I see, the more I get excited about stuffs. Personal things, creative things, everything in my life is starting to pwn.

Just a general message to the world... life pwns, you just need to give it time to get there. My life is almost at the absolute pwning point, which makes the present a pretty fun place to be... getting excited about stuff is fun :) hello world, y'all deserve a hug :)

less than three,

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