Wednesday, January 21, 2009


[accent="irish"] this is my first post, what actually shall stay, and as you may've noticed it is in accents, that's just how my mind thinks (and this is all just how my mind thinks...a short sampling so you know not to listen to it), changing between accents at random, generally confined to places within the UK, so there you go.[/accent]

[accent="english"] anyway, i was in the shower, when i started thinking, and recognized my doing so.[/accent]

[accent="irish"] boy did i tell myself so many scary things. Do you really think the mind governs you entirely, or the body, or the soul? No, of course not, (Oh, and when i say irish, i mean real fucking irish, not some prancy little american who had an irish mum thirty generations back. no, i mean currently living in ireland, all you "irish americans" can fuck off. you're not irish, you're american possibly with some roots, but nothing more) those three forces reside within you, fighting for control, and often they intermix a little. each one is just fighting to survive at the top. the body is all up for survival, the mind tries its hand at sanity[/accent]

[accent="scottish"](which also means driving the sanity right out of others, just to reach the top)[/accent]

[accent="irish"] and your soul tries to preserve its eternal light by helping others. so when they intermix, you find odd things, like preserving the race... sexing it up to carry on the species, definately the mind fucking with how the body works, lord knows pregnancy isn't kind to the body. so it is the effect of other people's minds fucking with you, and also a litte bit of your mind taking your body out of the competition for control. but anyway, (so stop worrying about your daughter getting it on. it isn't healthy for mind body or soul...and lord knows she has enough of the soul in her to outweigh any little chemical bullshit telling her what to do. hormones do not control us.we are masters of our fates, able to effect (yes i used that right there...the real verb of effect, not affect which more commonly used) them as we please. so stop letting science tell you what is. although it isn't likely a bag of rice in the corner of the room is about to turn into a goat, your hormones can be controlled. we are not machines, we are not a bundle of sensors, we are not tabula rasa. we are. we have been and continue to be.[/accent]

[accent="english"] so do let your mind corrupt you or your soul, nor should you let anyone else's mind corrupt you. and lord don't let your mind rationalize anything. rationalizing is just giving evil reason and basis...truth and good needn't rationalization. [/accent]

[and in my own voice] and i don't have all the answers, but the answer sure as hell doesn't lie in sitting here refreshing my inbox, nor in watering down my every creative impulse for the sake of one day easing my fit into a predestined mold. so let me say this very clearly, FUCK. THAT. SHIT. [/whatever that was]

[accent="irish"] celox is some amazing shit. it works in such an innovative way, and maybe it holds the beginning keys to regeneration of limbs. think of it...crabs and other crustaceans that regenerate bits are what have natural versions of celox, maybe the key to regeneration is rooted in sealing off a wound so quickly that no cell can die, and can't try and close off the tissue, but rather encased in the gelatinous celox clot, can continue to undergo mitosis without risk of bloodletting or disease. the celox covers and clots....protecting it from the outside world. maybe we are discovering the beginnings of the bioengineering to be able to do that shit.[/accent]

[accent="scottish"] and lord knows we haven't the right do that shit. we are doing things that weren't meant to be [/accent]

[my voice]i would like having wings sometimes [/booyah]

[accent="welsh"] some force, gave us the things we have, and so we should rejoice. but for whatever reason we need to progress...our minds sent us all so far from simplicity[/accent]

[my voice] all of it down, soft curvely easily against the sky[/booyah]

[accent="welsh"] ahhh, it already seems to be breaking down. i fall into the soft welsh ones as i begin to leave thought. aristotle might help me lead em back. documentations can blow away in the wind. we live free of influence. no form to tell us we are alive. only our heart pulsing and soul breathing[/accent]

[accent="irish"] aye, and don't you forget you yeasayers of my little speeches. this my mind talking, and if you follow it, your minds will burn. your motherfucking souls will come out. so even though it is my mind plummeting me farthr into darkness... it is saving you, bringing you closer to salvation (silly are not quite what i mean to say, this entire rant is so full of religious overtones, it is almost sickening..but they weren't quite what i was meaning to say.) so for a seems my mind can coexist with my soul...doing good, and killing your mind. [/accent]

[accent="amanda palmer"] *astronaut*[/accent]

*shakes like a mad girl who hasn't seen the light in ten years and hears music in the dark. head darting at different angles...smiles breaking when they haven't right...

then there is silence* *shuts off the water. hears voices outside.*


-your humblest, taster of tea

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