Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What the fuck is up with this shit
It's not fucking worth all this
Even when we don't have a break
It's not ever our mistake
Take us where the leaders end
Bring us to those called friends
Don't think I don't talk to much
Speaking words is just a crutch
Fuck the time when we were sad
I don't want to be that bad
Time to bring us out of here
Tear the walls and be sincere
Have the time to make a life
Empty out the safety knife
Can't decide what I will do
Punishment to be with you
Maybe if I waited here
I'll get a chance and I won't fear
Save me from my love-proof box
Tear the sides and break the locks
Can't you see I have to be
Only hearing, never see
Please don't think I do not feel
Just know that my love is real
Mes amis sont tres content
They are there while I am not
All you have to do is call
Ask me and I'll catch your fall
Don't think I don't want to show
All the feelings that I know
Only you can understand
Leaving words and play the band
Notes of endless feeling try
Lucky notes will catch your eye
Don't leave when there is so much
Hiding inside, never touched
Saving from the spaced-out stare
Anybody, anywhere
Only one that is not blind
Someone that was hard to find
Coming out, saved me from hell
Frightened, ran, and hid so well
Where'd you go when you were sad?
Am I really all that bad?
What a monster I've become
Loving all while loved by none
Peaceful children jumping, prancing
Wishing woods were near for dancing
See the only option's flee
Running fails to avoid me
Run for miles, never stop
Out of breath, I start to walk
Failed at something once again
Fuck the words I'll never send.


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